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Online cloth diaper advice Free shipping AT from €99

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Features and size of cloth diapers - 2 perfect tips for making the right choice

Ausstattung und Größe von Stoffwindeln - 2 perfekte Tipps zur richtigen Auswahl

By now you probably already know which systems are available and which materials are available. Now you have to clarify which size is suitable for you and how much of what you have to buy so that you can make ends meet and not too often have to wash.

We have also put together our own packages for you in the cloth diaper shop, which in our experience are very suitable for different periods of time.

But what is the difference between one-size / newborn / multi-size diapers?

I would also be happy to help you through this jungle

Onesize and Newborn or multiple sizes?

There are two options for adjusting the size of cloth diapers that you can choose from.
Size-adjusted diapers are always perfectly tailored to your baby's size. If one size becomes too small, get the next one.

Alternatively, there are diapers that grow with you - they are called one-size diapers. Here you have a pair of overpants that are adjustable in size with snap fasteners and can be used throughout the entire changing period.

Because babies are so tiny at the beginning, most manufacturers also offer initial sizes or newborn sizes. These are used before the onesize size. The diapers are specifically designed for newborn babies and can be used until they are approximately 4 - 9 months old and weigh 6 - 9 kg. We strongly recommend newborn sizes because they are much more comfortable to wear, the diapers fit better and therefore leak less and your baby is not just a diaper at first :-)

Equipment, how much do I need?

Well, now you know what you want, but you're still wondering how much of what you need. I have listed the different options for you:

No matter which size system you choose, you will need approx. 5 - 7 pairs of overpants per size. If you use overpants specifically for newborns, you only have to replace the overpants later in the one size, you can continue to use all absorbent pads.

If you want to use absorbent pads, I recommend you take around 30 to 35 absorbent pads to start with. You can insert one pad for the newborn as you change diapers more often and later two absorbent pads to increase the absorbency.

If you want to use panty diapers at night, I recommend taking about 5 of them and possibly a pair of slip-on diapers. If you are so enthusiastic about the panty diapers that you always want to change diapers with them, then you will need about 25 pieces and about 4 diaper covers.

If you are so enthusiastic about the all-in-ones or pocket diapers that you only want to change diapers with them, then I also recommend 20 - 25 pieces. Here you will need extra night diapers, approx. 3-5 pieces including slip-on diapers.

Do I really need my own for newborns?

Do cloth diapers for newborns really pay off?

Shouldn't I wait and then start with the larger size later?

Do I need something different for newborns than later?

I have summarized the most common questions for beginners in this short video. Here you can find out everything about changing diapers for newborn babies!

If you are unsure and need help choosing, I can also advise you. We offer

  • online consultations
  • you come to a cloth diaper workshop
  • or you can contact a counselor near you.
Otherwise write us an email to
We will find the right thing for you and your baby!

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